Our Programs

At New Beginnings Support Program we focus on programming that fits the needs of our community, supporting underserved and underrepresented women to become self-sufficient and employable. Our programs consist of a year-long commitment, plus a one-year follow-up that supports our program participants through their ongoing development.

Humber College Program

Business Office Technology Certificate Program

New Beginnings Support Program is proudly partnered with Humber College through their professional and continuing education department. Program participants develop digital literacy that is relevant in the workforce today.

Step Into Success (S.I.S.) Program

New Beginnings Support Program has supported low-income and underserved women in our community for over almost 20 years. Our Life Stabilization- Step Into Success program focuses on developing our participants both professionally and personally through a holistic approach to self-independence.

Care Packages

Through Care Packages, we support them in overcoming financial constraints and transitioning to self-sufficiency. These packages include donated clothing and accessories, fresh food gift cards, Shoppers Drug Mart gift cards for essentials, as well as journals and training materials.