Success Stories

Our women come from all walks of life. Some of our women participants have suffered trauma and join our program feeling broken and shattered. Others have fallen on hard times due to unpredictable economy changes. We also welcome women refugees who are seeking an opportunity to rebuild their lives.
Our program participants all have one thing in common though – the resilience to not give up, and to do what is necessary to have a better life, often not just for themselves but also for their families. They are a committed group of women who are willing to do what it takes to become self-confident, self-sufficient, career-oriented and employable.

“New Beginnings Support Program is proud of the work we do and the lives we’ve changed!”

“…Each step in this program, each staff member was critical in supporting me to rebuild my life! Thank you to all of you! You have no idea how this changed my life for the better!”

Andie-Lee A

Making a Difference

“…My message for the future participants. Work hard and never give up! Miracle in this World exists, and as it shows, it was created by people of The New Beginning Support Program…”

Svitlana S

“My experience with New Beginnings is something I’ll be forever grateful for. Throughout the year with New Beginnings, I learned how to become more confident in myself and my knowledge. I have grown so much in the past year thanks to this program!”

Kathleen T

I would say it’s very refreshing even if you’re feeling discourage NBSP just gives you this motivation to keep going.” “Overall, it’s been positive and I am thankful for this opportunity to better myself and the lives of my children” “NBSP has provided me with an outlet to join with other women just like me. I have had many opportunities to talk about my experiences and hear about the experiences of others. This has been very reassuring to me and it helps to know that I am not alone. As mentioned before more financial help would help to reduce my stress level promoting my success in the program. It feels great to be back in school brushing up on my skills and I see myself being more confident in the future when attempting to obtain full time permanent employment” “My overall experience has been a good one, and I have appreciated all the opportunities provided to us. I do wish that things were communicated in a more timely and clearer manner so that we could get better organized.” “It has been an enriching experience. full of learning and personal challenges. Without a doubt I feel that it has been a before and after in my life.

Tamica Hopkinson / 2022

My Testimony as a participant of The New Beginning Support Program I wanted to say thank you to all involved in The New Beginning Support program. Your work helped me to become more confident, believe in myself, open the doors to another world of self-respect and the capability of achieving goals. Before starting my journey with The New Beginning Support Program, I temporarily lived in a shelter for abused women. I immigrated to Canada 4 years ago. I was unemployed without any Canadian experience. And I took care of a little boy by myself. Also, I did not have any relatives in Canada. And I had an ongoing family court (custody) with my ex-husband. What about today... Today I have my Business Office Technology Certificate from Humber college, skills, that a Canadian employer looking for, and I am working as an intern of one of the best global companies in the world EY (Ernst & Young). I feel every month I am growing, becoming strong and independent. My message for the future participants. Work hard and never give up! Miracle in this World exists, and as it shows, it was created by people of The New Beginning Support Program. You can create your own miracle. Thank you, Denise, all sponsors, employees, donors, co-founders, and Humber College. You made this World better! You take care of amazing women which I met here.

Svitlana Skop / 2022

My experience with New Beginnings is something I’ll be forever grateful for. Throughout the year with New Beginnings, I learned how to become more confident in myself and my knowledge. I have grown so much in the past year thanks to this program! I’ve learned so many new skills through all the workshops offered, worked with some amazing people and staff, I was able to complete a college certificate with Honors and receive an amazing internship opportunity afterward. All of which I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do otherwise. So, I thank New Beginning’s for giving me this opportunity and helping me better myself and my future going forward!

Kathleen Turnball / 2021

My name is Andie-Lee, and I was referred to the New Beginnings program while at a women's shelter after escaping domestic violence. I was left with nothing except for my children and a suitcase of belongings. New Beginnings helped me in so many ways. The workshops helped motivate me, taught me valuable life skills, and kept me active in an otherwise dire situation. My life coach and New Beginnings staff stayed by my side every step of the way filling me with hope, confidence, and the will to strive for more. They pushed me when I thought I couldn't continue and wanted to give up. The Humber College courses gave me the skills and knowledge to enter the workforce. After completing the courses and the program I got a great contract with a wonderful employer in the financial industry! Each step in this program, each staff member was critical in supporting me to rebuild my life! Thank you to all of you! You have no idea how this changed my life for the better!

Andie- Lee Aparicio / 2020

Sumita is a young lady with two young children, ages 2 and 6. She came to us because she was currently receiving Ontario Works and was barely surviving. Her goal was to get a job in her field of social work, and to be better able to take care of her children. Sumita was challenged with requiring subsidized daycare, which she needed so she could attend the New Beginnings Support Program, as well as having the time to look diligently for employment. Sumita applied and was successful in her approval to join our program. New Beginnings advocated on her behalf for her daycare need, and we were successful in providing her with the support.

Sumita / 2011

Jeannette is just one of our major success stories and we are very proud of her. She worked hard and was committed to move forward and succeed. She was on the verge of being homeless when she came to us; she was referred by our Life & Career trainer, Elizabeth Butler. Jeanette made it clear she wasn’t looking for a hand out just a helping hand to get back on her feet. We were able to get her an internship at the corporate office of one of the leading Banks’ for 6 months. They were impressed with her, and at the end of her internship we advocated on her behalf for an employment opportunity. She was first hired as a receptionist, but in a few short months she was promoted to administrative assistant. Jeannette further progressed in the company and was promoted several times. She became an executive assistant to one of their vice-presidents, but she didn’t stop there. Jeanette went back to school with the full support of the bank and became a leading product analyst. She also met her husband while she was interning at the bank, and they welcomed their first child in 2012.

Jeanette / 2008

Jennifer was more difficult to assist because she had been on Ontario Works for a very long-time and was used to a routine. We were able to secure her an internship at the corporate office of one of the leading banks. Jennifer struggled but never gave up. New Beginnings worked extremely hard to keep her there because our trainers saw her potential. We worked even harder to convince the bank to hire her post her internship. With the support of the bank Jennifer interned at, both organizations didn’t give up on her. Their corporate manager worked with Denise Whitter (our Executive Director) to get her hired as a secretary. We’re proud to share Jennifer’s story. She is now off welfare and has been working for the bank for the past few years.

Jennifer / 2007

Betty & Jane came to us from Y.E.S. (Youth Employment Services). They had both recently graduated from college and were unemployed. They didn’t want to go on welfare so they were applying to different programs to find a job. When they came to us they were eager to get started. Since they already had training the only thing left for New Beginnings was to assist them with finding gainful employment. They were both looking for administrative positions, preferably in a law firm because they were interested in the paralegal industry. We worked with a law firm in our area and the two young ladies were hired. When we had our last follow-up in 2008, they were still both employed.

Betty & Jane / 2006

Dear Karen, I would like to say thank you for this amazing couching time. Thank you for inspiring me. You guidance and shared experiences have been invaluable. I value the help you have given me.


Hi Karen, I learned so much from our group coaching. A few things I took away from our meetings is self care and how important it is for our wellbeing. Since we started the group meetings I became less shy and was able to voice my opinion and be myself. I felt so comfortable talking about my story and hearing everyone else’s story. Lastly I learned how to overcome obstacles and be resilient. Thank you Karen for you time

Alexandria Nesbeth

My experience with group coaching was definitely necessary. It helped me grow and interact with other women, and it also helped me communicate my feelings to stay in check and balanced with my emotions. I learned that I need to do something about how I'm feeling and say something as well. Self-care—whether it's physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally— is super important and I need to keep on motivating myself to continuously become the best version of myself and apply what I know will help me, everyday.

I'm very grateful and super thankful that I was able to be coached by you Karen. You are definitely an understanding person, funny, knowledgeable, and you know how to meet us where we are at and help us get out of the gutter :). Love you and God bless you always!

Thanks for EVERYTHING!


Making a Difference

New Beginnings Support Program is proud of the work we do and the lives we’ve changed. Join us in creating positive change and be a part of our mission to uplift and empower individuals in our community. Donate or volunteer today and help us make a lasting difference.